In Galatians 4:1, it was common knowledge at that time, that under Roman law, a child was not legally considered a son until the age of 14. The son owned everything at birth right, but had no access to it until they came of age. In the same way, as we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we become heirs of God’s sonship, receiving all the right as heirs to the Kingdom of God. Sometimes we grasp in our minds that God is Father, but not always receiving adoption as sons & daughters in our hearts. God sent His Son, Jesus, to save us, and He sent the Holy Spirit of His Son to experience the fullness of God’s sonship. The Holy Spirit transforms our hearts to know that God loves us deeply and enables us to have a relationship with Him. The Holy Spirit and our relationship with God, is our inheritance. It is a gift of intimacy, love, and power. That kind of access would have been unthinkable under the law. But as Christians, under the new covenant, we can come to the Lord at all times. When we are brought into the family of God, we are no longer required to live under the law, but we do have a responsibility to live according to the ways Jesus instructed us. To forgive, to conduct ourselves in a way that brings honor and glory to Jesus, to share the Gospel, to help others in need, to fully follow Christ. We are not to disqualify ourselves as heirs to God’s Kingdom. We have access, affection, authority, and assurance in Jesus Christ. We can deeply experience the faith filled recognition and confidence in our Abba. We can trust completely in the assurance of Christ and His plan for our lives. We know intellectually that God is our Father, but we need to know in our whole heart, that we are His children, and can fully embrace the love of our Father.