Jesus was at the height of His ministry. He had been going around to all the towns and villages, proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every disease and affliction. He just raised Lazarus from the dead and people were referring to Him as Son of David. As the fervor around Jesus began to build, He walked into His triumphant entry.
Jesus’ triumphal entry was full of risk because it drew attention to Himself as the new King. The political expectations on Jesus began to build. The palm branches they laid on the ground were a symbol of revolution to overthrow tyranny. The crowds called Jesus, The King who Comes in the Name of the Lord. The lavish, populace welcome was based on their expectation on Him. Political expectations on Jesus led to disappointment. These expectations would move their shouts of “Hosanna!”, a one-word prayer meaning, rescue, save, intervene, to “Crucify Him!”. Even though this had been prophesied (Zechariah 9:9) and Jesus even told His disciples what to expect (Mark
10:32-34), it still surprised them. Sometimes our expectation of what we think God will do, hinders us from seeing what He actually wants to do.
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